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Criminal Defense Case Results
Car AccidentsDO YOU NEED A CAR ACCIDENT ATTONREY IN SALT LAKE, PROVO, OGDEN, ST GEORGE OR ANY UTAH CITY? The personal injury lawyers at the Zabriskie Law Firm are prepared to help you right now. Anyone injured in a car accident caused by a distracted driver or a drunk driver knows of the physical and mental challenges that naturally follow. As soon as a car crash occurs, events are set in motion that will effect your health, your income, your relationships, and your emotional wellbeing. You may be forced to miss work due to spinal cord injuries, herniated discs, fractured bones, a brain injury, or other serious bodily injury. If these challenges are promptly confronted with the help of one of our Utah personal injury lawyers, you will make it through as intact as possible. At the Zabriskie Law Firm, we can inform you of your rights and guide you along the right path to recover the financial compensation you deserve. Our personal injury lawyers have been helping automobile injury victims in Salt Lake City, Provo, Ogden, St George, and throughout Utah for over twenty years. If you have been injured in a car accident, call us immediately for a free confidential consultation.
Big Truck AccidentsUNDERSTANDING BIG TRUCK ACCIDENTS IN UTAH If you drive a motor vehicle in Salt Lake, Provo, Ogden, St George or any town in Utah, you are sharing the road with commercial vehicles, semis, tractor-trailers, big-rigs, and 18-wheelers. These big trucks can be carrying tens of thousands of pounds of cargo. Big-truck drivers are generally on a tight schedule and the trucking company and driver push to make deliveries as quickly as possible. This urgency is often the cause for big-truck drivers to take chances by driving too fast or by driving while fatigued. If you have suffered from an injury caused by one of these big trucks, our experienced Utah personal injury lawyers can be of great assistance to you. One of our Utah personal injury lawyers can prove liability in your favor based upon the Utah State and federal laws regulating the operation of big trucks. One of our big-truck accident lawyers can assist you in preserving all evidence (including driving logs, delivery schedules, load weight, etc) needed to maximize the financial recovery in your case. With decades of experience handling big-truck accident cases in Salt Lake, Provo, Ogden, St George and throughout Utah, our firm can help you recover the financial compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free confidential consultation.
Motorcycle AccidentsINJURED IN A MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT IN UTAH Riding a motorcycle in the State of Utah can be an exhilarating experience due to the open roads and incredible scenery. Motorcycles can also be a cost-efficient day-to-day means of transportation. Unfortunately, if you are looking at this web page, chances are that you or a loved one were involved in a motorcycle accident. When injured due to someone else’s negligence, you have a right to compensation for your injuries. Due the general absence of safety features provided by motorcycles, injuries from a motorcycle accident are often serious. Motorcycle accidents can cause severe road rash, fractured bones, spinal cord injuries, brain damage, and even death. If you were the victim of a motorcycle accident caused by someone else’s negligence in Salt Lake, Provo, Ogden, St George, or any other city in Utah, one of our Utah injury lawyers can help you get financial compensation for your injuries. Contact us immediately for a free confidential consultation.
Distracted Driving AccidentsDISTRACTED DRIVING ACCIDENTS Drunk drivers are no longer the scariest drivers on Utah’s roadways. This title now belongs to the “distracted driver.” You know that person, the one who watches Youtube videos and monitors his/her Instagram account while driving 75 mph in heavy traffic. Unfortunately, such distracted drivers rarely admit to having been distracted by an electronic device as the cause of their negligence. Often important evidence of what caused the driver to be distracted has to be proven by witness testimony, or through cross examination in a deposition. When a distracted driver causes serious bodily injury to another person on a Utah roadway, such as; broken bones, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, or even wrongful death, one of our Utah personal injury lawyers can help. We can preserve evidence, prove fault, and collect fair financial compensation for the harm caused. If you or someone you know was injured in Salt Lake, Provo, Ogden, St George, or any other Utah city, call us today for a free confidential consultation.
Drunk Driving AccidentsPROTECTING THE VICTIMS OF DRUNK DRIVING It is fun to get together with friends and have a few drinks. We get it; but when that few drinks is followed by a few more, and the night comes to a close, take a Uber home! If you drive, you are putting not only your own life, but the lives of others on the roadway in danger. The system has little mercy for drunk drivers and the mayhem they often cause. If you have been injured by a drunk-driver in Salt Lake, Provo, Ogden, St George, or any Utah town, you know of the harm that can result from such disregard. Each year dozens of victims are killed by drunk-drivers in Utah. The victims of drunk-drivers who survive are often left with debilitating bodily injuries (broken bones, herniated discs, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, etc). Our law firm has decades of experience suing drunk-drivers. If you or someone you care about has been injured, call us immediately for a free confidential consultation. We can help you sue the drunk-driver and recover the financial compensation you deserve.
Car vs Pedestrian AccidentA CAR ALWAYS WINS AGAINST A PEDESTRIAN What we mean by the above-statement is that cars are bigger, heavier, harder and faster than humans. In order for a human body to make a dent in a car, the human body will likely pay the price with broken bones, a twisted damaged spine, a likely pelvic fracture, and a near certain traumatic brain injury. This is simple physics. Due to these obvious disparities, Utah laws favor pedestrians over cars in almost all circumstances. Our injury lawyers have won injury cases for pedestrians in Salt Lake, Provo, Ogden, St George and many other cities in Utah. We have won cases for even those pedestrians who were not in only black clothing – but they were also crossing roadways at night. We have won cases for pedestrian children running out in roadways without looking first to make sure it’s safe. If you have been injured as a pedestrian, and you know it was the motorist’s fault, you should call and speak with one of our Utah injury lawyers. We can help you get the financial compensation you deserve. If you have been injured as a pedestrian and you think it was your fault, call us because you are probably wrong. More likely the law will determine that the driver was at fault. If you were injured on a roadway, in a parking lot, in a driveway, or anywhere else as a pedestrian in Utah, the law will likely favor you. Please call us immediately for a free confidential consultation. One of our Utah auto injury lawyers will help you get the financial compensation you deserve.
Utah Department of Transportation AccidentsHELPING VICTIMS OF UDOT ACCIDENTS Utah has a robust and ever-expanding public transportation system. In Salt Lake City and running North toward Ogden and South to Provo there is a UDOT train system. UDOT buses run throughout the State of Utah. Provo now has an elaborate UDOT busing system, which connects the local university campuses to shopping centers and downtown Provo. With increased access to public transportation, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of accidents involving public trains and buses. It goes to reason that many accidents involving UDOT trains and UDOT buses are the cause of catastrophic injuries. When you are struck by a UDOT bus or by a UDOT train as a motorist or a pedestrian, the impact is much worse than the impact caused by a car. This a simple matter of physics; buses and trains are much bigger and heavier than cars. The laws in Utah are unique when it comes to UDOT or any other government operated motor vehicle. When suing a government entity, you generally must take legal action within a year of the accident, or your injury case becomes time-barred. If you suffered from bodily injury due to the negligent operation of a UDOT bus, a UDOT train, a UDOT snow plow, or any UDOT vehicle, call us immediately for a free confidential consultation. One of our Utah injury attorneys can help preserve your right to bring a claim and help you get the financial compensation you deserve.

Due to the significant increase in our work load over the past few months, we have not had the opportunity to summarize the recent cases we have been working on and successfully completing. Fortunately, we are now able to resume this work in an effort to keep you as informed as possible about our firm and what we can do for you. We hope that these results will provide clarity and helpful information for your inquiries related to how a criminal defense case works and what it might look like for your specific situation. If you have any additional questions or are ready to begin your defense, we encourage you to contact us.
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